Today Sarah and I had the pleasure of travelling to York to interview two of the Professors from the Languages and Linguistics Department, Paul Kerswill and Dominic Watt. We discussed a wide range of topics with both, such as the history of accents and dialects, the roles they play in our personal identities and which regional accents are perceived as the most (and least!) favourable.
Paul spoke to Sarah and I about a new phenomenon that we personally hadn’t heard of before, the Jafaican accent! He spoke to us about how this ‘new’ accent is starting to develop in the south east of England, click the link below to hear more!
Paul Kerswill discussing Jafaican
We would like to thank both Paul and Dominic for their contributions to the documentary, and for getting us even more enthused to learn more about different accents and dialects in Britain.
Thanks for a fun interview – really enjoyed it! Btw it’s Jafaican …
Thank you Paul, we did too! Changed the spelling to the correct one.